Project Name
How did you hear about SRL Construction?
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Title
President and Principal(s) (Show Ownership %)
Legal Name of Company
Type of Company
Sole Proprietorship
Unique Qualities of Senior Staff
No. of Employees
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Office Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Fax Number
Contractor’s License Number
Geographic Area of Interest
Services and Products Offered
List NAICS Codes
Work Specialty and Years Performing Work Specialty
Years in Business Under Present Name
Surety Company
Bonding Agent
First Name
Last Name
Bonding Agent Phone
Insurance Agent
First Name
Last Name
Insurance Agent Phone
List Important Industry Credentials, Clearances, Certifications and Contracting Vehicles (8(a), SDB, WOB, BPA, Purchase Order, GSA Schedule, etc.)
Is the Firm a Florida State Certified M/WBE
If Yes, Give Certificate Number
Company Information Continued
Is the Firm in Compliance with EEO Requirements
Will employees of this company perform the scope of work being applied for, or will it be subcontracted to others?
If any scope of work is to be subcontracted, provide name(s) of subcontractor(s) and background information on each subcontractor that will be utilized on these project.
Total Number of Permanent Staff:
Office Staff:
Field Personnel:
Average Work Force over the Past Five Years:
Does the Company have a Safety Program?
What is the Company’s EMR (Experience Modifier Ratio)?
Has the company or any company related to the current ownership of the company ever:
Failed to Complete a Contract
Been Involved in Bankruptcy or Reorganization
Had Pending Judgment Claims or Suits Against it
Been Assessed Liquidated Damages on Any Project
What was your Revenue for 2022, 2023 and Projected for 2024?
Does the Company have a D&B Rating? (if so, Please Provide your D&B Number)
Trade References (Contact Name, Address, Phone Number) (At Least Three)
List of Subcontracting Projects (List Value of Project, Your Dollar Value of Project and a Full Description of the Projects/Contracts)
List Government Projects/Contracts
List Private Industry Projects/Contracts
Last 3 Projects/Contracts (Give Dates & Dollar Amounts)
List Three Projects with the Same Scope of Work that you are Applying for that were Completed by the Company Within the Past Three Years
List three Construction Managers that your company has performed the same scope of work for which you are applying. Provide the name of the firm, a contact, telephone number, and address.
List two of your Most Significant projects currently under construction, which are the same in scope and contract value to the work being contemplated for this project. (Project Name, Location (City, State), Scope of Work, Contractor, Contact, Telephone Number, Contract Amount, Completion, Is the work being Self-Performed (if no, please list the subcontractors performing the work and the value of the contract), Contract Amount.
I hereby certify that the above information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the CM has the sole discretion based on the information provided in this application and past experience to approve or deny a company’s ability to bid on a project.